Iosa's blog

Cultural Evolution

When the concept of cultural evolution began it was used as a way to justify the current order of market economies and capitalism, which has grown through colonization, subjugation, and assimilation of cultures around the world in the conquest of people and resources.

Asshole: a technical term

Asshole is a technical term meaning a person who puts their own interests before others and believes they are right in doing so.

This term can often be a applied to business people, as their entire culture is based on exploitation and profit for self interest.


What is reality?

You decide.

if not, someone will decide for you, and you may not like it.

Reality is found through exploration.




Experience for yourself what reality is

Objective Reality cannot be known or understood except through models.
Every reality is just a model.

Community Organizations

Community organizations are organizations that coordinate centralized services required by a group of people.

The organization can provide things such as housing, food, education, job placement, emergency loans,

The community organization is a module in a modular community structure.

The community organization provides a centralized services for a decentralized community structure.

People working in the community organization have a high standard of behavior
responsible for data and communications
information collection and distribution
jobs, health care, etc.

Restructuring Society

“There is something terribly wrong with this country“ - V

We’ve had corporations controlling our government for over a century. and wealthy landowners before that. kings and nobles, emperors, priests... it seems anyone with any sort of power has tried to dominate the rest of society

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